The Fair Trade Way
Garstang to Lancaster
Garstang to Lancaster Garstang – world’s first Fairtrade Town. Public declaration made on 27 April 2000. Garstang awarded Fairtrade Town status by Fairtrade Foundation 22 November 2001 Lancaster – 48th Fairtrade Town in the UK Lancaster awarded Fairtrade District status by Fairtrade Foundation 5 March 2004; jointly with York as part of Ten Cities Declaration. Distance covered: 17 miles Difficulty: Moderate Fairtrade along the way The directory below lists shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs and places to stay that provide Fairtrade products along the first section of the Fair Trade Way, including those within the Fairtrade Towns of Garstang and Lancaster. Where possible links are given to Fairtrade directories on other websites and the authors of this site will endeavor to keep the list below regularly updated, but cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may appear. If you discover an outlet selling Fairtrade products that is not listed here or one that is listed that no longer sells Fairtrade products please contact us and we will update the list. Garstang Fairtrade Directory En Route The FIG Tree (Fairtrade In Garstang – branching out around the world) Visitor Centre and café lies at the starting point of the Fair Tradeu0026hellip;
The Walk
Snacks and drinks
The story behind the Fair Trade Way
Bowness – Grasmere Map